What Is Trauma?
When your greater understanding of how the world works and how your life functions gets shattered, treatment may be warrented.
If you have been exposed to threatened or actual harm that leads to instrusive or troublesome symptoms, avoidance, negative shifts in thoughts and feelings, and changes in arousal and reactivity, treatment may be warranted.
What Is Trauma Therapy?
Trauma Therapy involves learning or relearning how to have a sense of agency in your life.
This includes:
- The potential for beginning anew.
- The improved acumen for self-regulation.
- The rebuilding of successful relationships.
- The redefinition and development of inner strengths.
- A reappraisal of the value of life.
- The formation of an understanding of a life with meaning.
- The capacity to clarify values and to have actions meet those values.
- The ability to gain compentences across multiple areas of life.
What Are the Different Types of Trauma Therapy?
- Education about the nature and effects of trauma on the person, family, culture, nation, and worlds, including how these forces interact.
- Understanding how to improve the sense of power and effectiveness increases agency, calm, energy, and mastery.
- Social-Emotional Regulation for tolerating stress, regulating emotions, improving physical presence and well-being, and the ability to be in the moment.
- Undoing traumatic responses by seeing there value at the time, their ineffectiveness today, and replacing them with sustainable, effective behaviors .
- Mindfullness of daily life routines.
- Disclosure trauma.
- Learning to organize the trauma narrative on several different levels.
- Connecting to community in ways that are contributional to improve mastery and impact.
What Are the Benefits of Trauma Therapy?
Trauma therapy is pragmatic.
People can increase a sense of agency (power & effectiveness) that improves tolerating stress and regulating emotions.
Lack of agency (often the result of trauma) can lead to ineffective behavior. Improving agency increases the ability to articulate visions, set goals and engage in active problem solving– building better lives and increasing positive impact for the self, family, and the community.
Personal agency leads to social and economic progress through individuals’ processes of selection of products and services that change how s/he thinks, feels and behaves.
By learning how to activate agency, the individual increases the ability to clarify values and to ensure that transactions meet the values.
People become more autonomous, competent and related with effective behavior across life’s domains: personal, social, professional, etc.
Agency motivates the individual to create connections, leading to mastery, understanding and innovations with interactions that reverberate throughout industries and communities. People learn how their self-regulation can be helpful to the emergencies of worldwide pandemic, global terror, natural disaster, and domestic violence.
Trauma therapy can help reduce anxiety and stress and improve interpersonal and intrapsychic capacities necessary for the travails of the day-to-day.
How to Help Client Process Trauma in Therapy?
With trauma therapy, people to build, use, and enhance a customized, contextualized backpack of tools and know-how from personal and social resources to help restore agency, while they reposition the negative experience in their lives.
The sense of improved agency helps get people back into life, keep them active and available in life, and enhance their ability to be successful in living, loving and working.
The mechanism of truama recovery and agency sits on our innate human potential to:
*Learn, develop and build autonomy, competence and relatedness.
*Reduce extraneous noise that interferes in accomplishing tasks.
*Use readiness to practice ways to improve quality of life, productivity and effectiveness.
*Utilize successive approximations to reach goals.
*Apply an iterative process to build a life of worth.
We can help people regain, restore and increase agency though understanding how personal knowledge interacts with the environment to reduce stress and increase effectiveness that yields both micro and macro development.
By realizing the contexts through which cost-effective social, emotional, psychological, economical products, services, and experiences shift the sense of agency, the mechanism helps individuals create sustained personal development, while contributing to their community.
The practice of authorizing oneself for self-care reduces the noise that inhibits the ability to make meaningful impact. People learn preferences and explore talents through goals that are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely, using the community as an incubator to rebuild their lives.
They mindfully understand how patterns and inferences of context lead to using customized strategies to regulate stress and make decisions. They learn to be independent and interdependent in tending to their needs and expanding their capabilities. With tools in place, they reduce suffering. They become more flexible, creative and begin to hope and dream to build a life of worth.
Truama therapy can improve, expand and customize capacity building for those who are suffering.
The process of healing, creativity, and innovation have found and will find the agency mechanism is empowering. There are many talented people who have been told in/directly “No, possibilities are not for you; You can’t do x or y. Not You.” Myths like these keep people down with fear and stress. We need to end this myth propagation to help individuals and the community as a whole. In my experience, the agency mechanism and trauma therapy helps people feel liberated. These are transformers in need of practical tools and knowledge of how to interact in their communities.
Through therapy, people gain fundamentals and access to their wisdom to see the world as it is, find the positives, and link to hopes and dreams. Learning their values, they make action plans to achieve goals They find their purpose and authenticity. They focus on being effective and feel contributional. These individuals find relief and motivation to move forward in unimagined, positive ways. They feel grateful. Transformers need these ideas, so do mentors who help people transform (e.g., teacher, healthcare provider, colleague, pastor, coach, supervisor, family or friend). Having trauma is not a sentence to a life of misery or despair. People can improve the worth of their lives and that of the community. For all those who seek to overcome and help others overcome such challenges, I seek to support them with techniques through which to do so.
How Do I Find a Trauma Therapist?
Find a doctoral-level practitioner who has extensive training and experience with trauma and behavioral health therapy.
Find a doctoral-level practitioner who can meet you where you are at in this moment in your life.
Find a doctoral-level practitioner who can help you gain the necessary skills to make your life better.
Find a doctoral-level practitioner who can help define your values, improve strengths, and raise abilities to overcome challenges.
Find a doctoral-level practitioner who can support you in several states around the country.
Find a doctoral-level practitioner who can connect your experience in therapy to tangible ways to improve multiple aspects of your life.
I am a doctoral-level psychologist who
- helps individuals feel empowered and effective to have agency, where they can live and work with purpose for the benefit of themselves, their families, and their communities.
- Supports others as they enhance their inspiration and capacity to grow and go, where they feel encouraged to put roots in their lives and wings to fly to make an impact beyond boundaries.
- cultivates insight and resilience, who overcame terrible trauma, and who teaches others how to be active in life and help others move forward.
- motivates others to feel inventive and wise in making decisions to create innovative connections, products and services that have creativity, utility and aim to ameliorate the human condition.
- can edit himself out of the equation so others can live their lives with freedom and help them find the balance between independence and interdependence in using their agency to develop new ways of thinking, doing and being.
My life’s journey has led to my purpose: Dedication towards helping others find their potential and overcome trauma so they can make a positive, lasting impact on the world.
Doing so has been the most satisfying professional experience of my life because of its current and potential impact.
It is now my mission.