Emerging Adults Seeking A

Build Agency

Improve Self-Determination


You thought you had life well-planned and figured out, with some goals
for school, work, or relationships, right?

You thought you were ready to run just like the others,
but now you realize you have trouble making good things happen
or things are just not going your way.

How do you feel?


Doubtful, worried and confused?
Anxious or Depressed?


Are you dealing with intense anger, fear, guilt or shame or seem helpless, hopeless or worthless?


Is your energy up and down?


Can you tell if your family is on your back or here to help?

          The struggle is real.
            What will you do?

Heading through your late teens 20s or 30s
with your custom blend of

  • low motivation
  • low persistence
  • low self-confidence
  • high social anxiety,
  • high performance avoidance
  • high expectations of others
  • plus throw in intensely negative reactions to stress
 makes it challenging to function.

You are bright and sensitive, with potential, so what’s going on?

As you look around at your peers,
you may wonder...

Did other people just get it?

Have I been left out of the mix?

You may very well have been left out.

For now, at least.


There are skills sets that you may not have
that you can learn to make your life work.
Without the skills, it can be hard to
transform anxiety into excitement and be motivated for action.
I can teach you those skills.
I am a psychologist who integrates the Psychological, Educational and Entrepreneurial to help clients build
Self-Determination – qualities of Autonomy, Competence and Relatedness.



1. improve your skills with your personal, family, friendship, financial, scholastic and work lives by combining dialectical behavior therapy with teaching, learning and development.

2. engage you in the process of change, promote activity involvement, identify resources, people and educational materials and offer parental counseling as warranted.

3. weave you into communities to help you feel empowered and effective.

  • Radically accept the current reality.
  • Utilize coping strategies to help with change.
  • Understand non-linear development.
  • Acquire validation skills.
  • Harness successes to help in areas of difficulty.
  • Gain a sense of hope.
  • Be independent and interdependent.
  • Build a worth in all aspects of your life.


Deciding if you need help or with whom to work?

Please contact me for a complimentary 20-minute complimentary phone consultation.

Want to learn more?

When searching for a therapist, consider the following:

1. Find a good teacher who is passionately committed to work hard with you to help you develop and implement practical solutions to your problems.
2. Seek someone who uses examples, actions, and activities to help you build and refine a toolset that you put into active practice.
3. Look for someone who wants the best for you and through the dynamic relationship can help foster effective change that you own.
4. Search for someone who meets you where you are, and who can teach you skills to feel capable when being and doing in the real world.
5. Pursue someone who improves your ability to transfer your skills across domains of your life and improve your senses of agency and purpose.
6. Choose someone who can help you jumpstart your life so that you can be in the driver seat and get going.