DBT Skills for University Students In NYC:

Having trouble finding a balance between work and leisure?

Want to be more mindful of your thoughts, feelings, and surroundings?

Would you like to learn how to create good relationships to achieve your goals?

Need to be better equipped to process feelings and to handle stress?

Seeking the ability to take calculated risks for your career and personal development?

Looking to build a stronger foundation, so you can grow with confidence?


Join Linehan Institute Trained, Licensed Psychologist Dr. Matthew G. Mandelbaum, PhD’s to learn customized for the university setting to help you be more effective in the academic, social, and personal realms and help you build a life worth living.


Improve your problem solving abilities so you can be more effective in accomplishing your short- and long-term goals.

Contact dr.matthew.mandelbaum@gmail.com or 212.933.0758
for a free 20-minute consultation.

Dr. Matthew G. Mandelbaum, PhD